Gym A Club course on July 21, 2023
Registration for the Gym A Club course on July 21, 2023
Datum / Date: 21.07.2023
Uhrzeit/Time: 17:00
Dauer/Duration: 3/4 Stunde
Ort / Location: Köchlinstraße 17, 79585 Steinen
GYM AESTHETICS (GA) is a modern German sportswear brand that completely covers the needs of an athlete. Gym Aesthetics products combine technical design and emphasize the aesthetic shape of the entire body. The Gym
Aesthetics brand image promotes a progressive, healthy, positive and energetic lifestyle.
The "Gym A Club" is the exclusive fitness offer from our sports and fitness brand Gym Aesthetics. It was founded so that GA members can experience the brand live. In addition, GA offers a free course with professionally trained fitness trainers. Finally we can offer the course again. The first Gym A Club in 2023 will be launched with our GA athlete Azopetro.vic!
#ChallengeYourLimits and be a part of this experience.
* By filling out and submitting this form, you register for the free Gym A Club course. If you have successfully sent the form, you will receive a written confirmation of your application for the Gym A Club course within the next 72 hours.